Category: Austrian literature

The greatness and fall of King Ottokar

Confusion reigns among the courtiers in the Prague Castle of the King of Bohemia, Przemysl Ottokar. Ottokar divorces his wife Margaret of Austria, widow of the German emperor Heinrich von Hohenstaufen. The king entered into this marriage for reasons of profit, to take possession of Austria, owned by ...


The incident that happened with Gregor Zamza is described, perhaps, in one phrase of the story. One morning, waking up after a restless sleep, the hero suddenly discovered that he had turned into a huge scary insect ... Actually, after this incredible transformation, nothing special happens anymore....

Letter to a stranger

The famous fiction writer R., after a three-day trip to the mountains, returns to Vienna and, looking at the number in the newspaper, recalls that on this day he turns forty-one. After reviewing the accumulated mail, he lays aside a thick letter written in an unfamiliar handwriting. After a while, comfortably settled down ...


: India, Dutch colony. A lady goes to a local doctor and dies. Tormented by conscience, the doctor does not let the husband of the lady find out the truth at the cost of his life. In March 1912, in a Neapolitan port, a strange accident occurred while unloading an ocean boat. The true explanation for this case ...

Chess novel

: In solitary confinement in the Gestapo, the hero brings to madness a collection of chess games. Freed, he defeats the world champion, the madness returns, and the hero swears never to play again. Among the passengers of a large ocean boat sailing from New York to Buenos Aires is the champion ...


The brilliant poetess Sappho, famous throughout Hellas, returns to his home from the Olympic competitions crowned with a laurel wreath. The people, servants and slaves with enthusiasm and glee, flowers and music meet their mistress. With a golden lyre in her hands, in festive attire, she descends from a chariot drawn by ...


The essence of the event is dispassionately set forth in the very first phrase of the work. Waking up on his thirtieth birthday, Joseph K. discovers that he is under arrest. Instead of a maid with the usual breakfast, an unfamiliar gentleman in black enters his call. In the next room are still ...


For three months, the meaning of life for Albert has been patiently waiting for many hours for his beloved Anna. They agreed that every day, from three to seven hours, he would wait for her, and he patiently waits, each time for hours, and often in vain. Anna does not dare to leave home if her husband is delayed....

Sage's wife

The protagonist of the story, on whose behalf the story is being taken, arrives at the seaside resort with the intention of staying there for a long time and fully enjoy the desired peace. He had just received his doctorate, and the young lady whom he looked after married another. He feels that a whole chapter of his life ...

Impatience of the heart

In 1938, the storyteller accidentally met with the holder of the Order of Maria Theresa, Anton Hofmiller, who told him what had happened to him a quarter of a century ago, when he was twenty-five years old. The narrator recorded his story, changing only names and some small details in it, allowing ...


Professor Peter Keen, a long and skinny forty-year-old bachelor, peers into the windows of bookstores during his traditional morning walks. Almost with pleasure, he notes that waste paper and boulevard are spreading wider and wider. Keen, a world-famous scientist, a synologist, has ...

Notes by Malta Laurids Brigge

The hero of the story, the twenty-eight-year-old Danes of Malta, Laurids Brigge, the last representative of a noble family, is in Paris in complete solitude and on the verge of poverty. His observations now focus on how outcasts live in Paris: shelters, the smell of chloroform in a hospital for the poor, ...


Prague, the beginning of the century. The narration is conducted in the first person. The hero is either sleeping or awake. A moonbeam falls at the foot of his bed. The hero feels that his sleeping body is lying in bed, and “feelings have separated from the body and are no longer dependent on him” ... Suddenly he finds himself in the gloomy courtyard of Prague ...

Twenty four hours of a woman’s life

Ten years before the war, the narrator was resting on the Riviera, in a small guesthouse. A major scandal erupted in a nearby hotel. A young Frenchman arrived there by day train, who immediately attracted general attention with his beauty and courtesy. He met everyone very quickly and two hours after his arrival ...

Man without attributes

Part 1. A kind of introduction The novel takes place in Vienna in 1913. The protagonist, thirty-two-year-old Ulrich, a mathematician and exalted dreamer, intellectual and cynic, who has already managed to get tired of himself and the world, lives a vibrant, but hectic life. He does not have to take care of his daily bread thanks ...

Notes of my great-grandfather

The hero, describing the old house that still belonged to his great-grandfather - the village doctor, recalls: “ancient utensils surrounded us with indelible annals, and we children lived in it, as if in an old picture book, the key to which only grandfather possessed, he was the only one living biographer of his ...

Forest trail

Tiburius Knight is known as a big eccentric. Secondly, his mother was also characterized by oddities, the main of which was excessive concern for the health of her son. His tutor had such a strong craving for order that the boy hated all learning. The rich uncle also participated in the education of his nephew, ...

Sleep is life

In ancient times, in Persia, in a picturesque mountainous area, among the rocks and trees lives the family of the rich villager Masouda. Every summer evening, Mirza, the daughter of Masouda, with fear and anxiety awaits the return from the hunt of Rustan. This is Masud’s nephew, who at night searches among the mountain peaks for “that which cannot be found ...


The time and place of action are not defined by the playwright, but by all indications, events in all three acts take place in the era of the contemporary author. House of the Minister. Goal, emphasizing his rights as an old family friend, urges the owner’s wife Irene to urgently talk with her husband about his appointment ...

A short letter to a long farewell

Handke's work is written in the first person. We will never know the name of the narrator. There are not many external events in the story. It presents a free chronicle of several days, which are marked for the hero by a severe spiritual crisis. A young writer from Austria, he came to America, driven by the unbearable ...