Each of us dreams of something or strives for something. If a person stubbornly goes to his goal, then achieving it, he becomes happy. But, unfortunately, not all dreams are feasible, and not all tasks are feasible. Sometimes we set unattainable goals, which we certainly want to realize, but this is not always possible. Is it worth it to set such missions? I think yes, and I can explain why, by giving examples.
Let us turn to Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons. The main character, Yevgeny Bazarov, acts as a nihilist, that is, a person who does not accept a single principle on faith. He wanted to be a worthy chemist, and therefore did not recognize the greatness of poetry, art and even love. Of course, partly the hero managed to realize his plan: the first place for him was really medicine. However, no matter how much Eugene did not consider it nonsense to put love above all else, he could not escape from his feelings for Anna Odintsova. If Bazarov’s goal was not only science, but also the denial of spiritual values and sincere feelings, then his task turned out to be unrealizable. He indignantly recognized the romance in himself. Evgeny was successful in medicine, but when he felt love for Odintsova, the hero realized that it was impossible to ignore spiritual values. But it was not in vain that he set such a goal: he really achieved a lot in the field of science, without being distracted by the female sex.
Another character who sets himself one of the most unrealizable goals, of course, is the protagonist of Dostoevsky’s novel Crime and Punishment. At the time of the fateful decision, Raskolnikov did not know that helping the poor was an sometimes unattainable goal. The hero’s remedy is to blame: the robbery and murder of an old percent-woman. Rodion also wanted to test the theory of ordinary and extraordinary people on himself, but the whole novel is built on a refutation of this theory. Conscience tortured the main character, therefore, having committed a crime, he was never able to achieve a noble goal. However, this does not mean that it was not worth setting for itself, because through the recognition of the sinfulness of the means, Rodion found the right path to what people considered unattainable. In the epilogue, we see that the Bible in his hands shows the hero the path of moral rebirth not only of himself, but of all people on Earth.
Unattainable goals sometimes serve as a good example, sometimes they turn into bars that we are trying to reach. And sometimes they serve for awareness and rethinking, as in these works. If your goal is not achieved, perhaps it will bring other benefits, so such tasks are clearly necessary in the life of every person.